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Premium Tools for All Buyers and Sellers
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For Buyers:

  • Search over 65 Million Line Items
  • Stock and Available Indicators
  • User Accounts
  • Part Searches
  • Preferred Vendor Settings
  • Product Datasheet Search
  • Comments/Feedback Features
  • Community Forum
  • Customized Search Results
  • Advanced Search Filters
  • Post Your Want To Buys
  • RFQ Management
  • View Vendor Profiles
  • Private Notes Feature
  • Escrow Service **

For Sellers:

  • Post Stock Line Items
  • Post Available Line Items
  • Email, Upload, FTP Your Inventory
  • User Accounts
  • Inventory Management Tools
  • Most Wanted Parts Report
  • Post Your Want To Sells
  • Country and Member Exclusions
  • Exclusive Community Listings
  • Comments/Feedback Features
  • Community Forum
  • User Management Tools
  • Quote Management Tools
  • Bulk Offers/Auction Postings
  • Escrow Service **

** Available Subject to US Government Federal and State Regulations

Instantly Connect with over 2000 Companies
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Electronic Component Database

The software behind IC Source has been optimized over two decades of use, by thousands of companies worldwide. With state-of-the-art hardware in a world-class datacenter, we are able to provide the highest levels of performance and security for our Members.


IC Source Community

Create and join discussion topics about industry news and the issues that matter most to your business through our popular Forum. The Comments System on IC Source provides feedback about Members by Members so you can make informed decisions about future transactions.

vender assessment

Vendor Assessment

Comprehensive information about each Member is easily accessible throughout IC Source. By Preferring or Excluding Members, Countries and Regions you can streamline our website to your company's needs.

buyer and seller tools

Buyer & Seller Tools

We provide a number of powerful tools designed to facilitate the process of buying and selling goods on IC Source. With Inventory Matches, WantToSells, WantToBuys, RFQs and much more, we keep you notified when activity happens on IC Source.

administrative tools

Administrative Tools

User preferences, permissions and reports are easily accessible to ensure you can manage your staff effectively on IC Source.



Our search results are highly-configurable to best fit your needs. Customize the look and feel of the ICSource website, as well as the language displayed.

Celebrating 26 Years of B2B Solutions Development
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About Us
celebrating 26 years

Over Two Decades as a Technology Provider

Since forming in 1996, IC Source's reputation for reliability and quality service have kept us at the forefront of data providers in the electronic components industry. We provide the tools and features our members need to do business more efficiently and successfully.

At IC Source, we develop innovative online solutions to run your business more efficiently. In addition to our powerful software, we utilize state-of-the-art hardware in a world class datacenter to ensure the highest levels of performance and security. Our location in the Tech Valley region of New York State gives us access to the resources necessary to stay at the forefront of technological innovation and best serve our customers.

The Evolution of Development

Never content to rest on our laurels, IC Source's development and design team continues to create new features while improving existing functionality. It's what we have done for the last 26 years. We understand industries change as do your needs, and we welcome your suggestions and ideas to keep IC Source at the forefront of the industry.

Lines of Code
20 years of development has produced a robust and vast web application.
Stored Procedures
With focused requests and streamlined results, our stored procedures are optimized to the specific needs of each page, making querying fast and reliable.
Database IOPS
Standard hard drives can perform up to 250 Input/Output Operations Per Second, and solid state drives can perform 100,000. Our Database resides on a Texas Memory Systems RAM drive capable of 600,000 IOPS, allowing the fastest data access in the industry.
Convert new service opportunities into revenue with our FREE quoting tools
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ICS Storefront

Plug-in to the power of our database and generate RFQs online. The ICS Storefront is completely customizable and integrates easily into your website.

Data Tools

Generate more business through your website. We provide the data and tools to boost Search Engine Positioning and improve your online presence.

Alliance Escrow

Alliance Escrow is Available for IC Source Members to use with Members or non-Members.

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Contact IC Source

Please contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions and a member of our staff will respond promptly.

Phone 518.885.8880

Mailing Address

IC Source, Inc.
P.O. Box 5166
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-9997

Physical Address

IC Source, Inc.
462 Broadway, Suite 200
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Contact Form